Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ABC(DE) for 3/24

Adversity : Procrastinated on final projects for these two classes (due this sunday)

(Irrational / Negative) Belief: I'm an asshole and set myself up for failure

Consequence: I have no motivation to get started

Dispute: I still have time to get them done. Plus MIL will be taking Jay on saturday, which will give me a good amount of uninterrupted time to catch up.

Energized:? Somewhat. Making a plan to get started when Jay goes to bed tonight.

Got my tattoos on 3/22/10

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happiness Project on Hold ....

So I haven't been updating much lately. Between the death of my father, relationship issues with J, and falling behind in my current classes I haven't even been thinking about my happiness project, much less read any more of Gretchen Rubin's book. However, my positive psychology class has been of some help during these difficult times.  I just finished writing a paper on optimism, only to realize I am extremely pessimistic. Part of my assignment was to identify how one gains optimism. The best way is using Albert Ellis' ABC(DE) model, which is identifying adversity, recognizing irrational or negative beliefs, observing the consequences of negative (or irrational) beliefs, disputing them, and feeling energized.

So as an attempt to somewhat keep up on my happiness projects I am going to try posting one of my adversitites every day (or as often as I can) and going through the steps.

Here's todays:

Adversity : Feeling tired and overwhelmed.
(Irrational / Negative) Belief: I'm never going to get anything done, things are going to be a mess forever
Consequence: I continued to procratinate, thus fulfilling the negative belief.
Dispute: If I started earlier, I would not have felt overwhelmed. Things will get completed when I just do them, instead of contempating the tasks and feeling overwhelmed.
Energized:? no not really, it's 12:30 AM. But I am extremely happy that I finished my paper before the deadline and turned it in. Hoping for at least an A-.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


So there was a pretty big blow up between a family member and I this past week. J's father has been telling us we should move down to Flordia and I think we are seriously considering it now. My reasons for not wanting to go in the past was I did not want to leave family. But now the only family I really feel I have right now is my mom.  J is also getting sick of the drama in his family. I think we'd both be happier and fight less if we were both less stressed.

So it's not definate yet. We need to sit down and figure out our finances versus the cost of living down there, and make sure J can transfer to another RL down there. Hopefully it works out. A change is what we both need. And I think it would be much nicer for Jayden down here. There's not much for kid's here. There's only bars and churches (on every corner) and an occasional playground or something.

Well who knows... I hope it can work out, but I'm not putting too much stock into it yet.