Sunday, January 31, 2010


Ah, yeah another unproductive day! I woke up feeling crappy. The day just went by so slowly and I could not get myself to do anything besides what needed to be done for Jayden. I did get a load of his laundry washed (since it was nessisary!) and I've just finished my first assignment for Ethics class. I had to write a ficitious journal entry about Irish Immigrants, but also use facts. It was kind of hard and I can't really put myself in the mind of an Irish immigrant.

I keep thinking more about my happiness project, but I don't know where to start. Gretchen Rubin started with energizing herself by getting more sleep and exercising. I really don't know where I am going to find the time! It's already 11 PM. By the time I finish checking this paper, it will be my usual bedtime. Plus I wanted to read another chapter in the Happiness Project. Could it be the happiness project is making me more miserable by focusing on all the things I DON'T do? Well, then maybe it will motivate me to make some changes.

Well I better get back to that paper! Tomorrow I probably will not be updating. J has the day off and we'll be visiting his family. Plus, he's suppose to get up early and watch Jayden so I can finally put a dent in my to-do list. Wish me luck.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Starting New

So for the past year or so I keep telling myself that I need to start over, make changes, do more, be nicer, blah blah blah. I think it and say it, but never do it. There's so much I want to do, and changes I need to make to be happier, but where, oh where is my motivation?

I've started reading The Happiness Project by Grethcen Rubin. I don't know if I plan on doing my own happiness project or perhaps just getting some insight as to how I can make the most of each day without turning it into an actual "project".

But this will be my journey, feel free to comment or give suggestions.